i suppose this applies over here as well.
It is my regret to inform you that the head mistress of the aforementioned webspace has tragically died due to lonliness and heart break, she spent the last two weeks of her life penning a mediocre country and western album titled "you dont comment any more" Miss Posa would like to thank the regular readers of her blog (we the management are able to channel the dead). Rest assured that this does not mean that this blog is finished, we have managed to design a series of strings and pulleys when used in conjunction with a pair of dark sunglasses and a hawaiin shirt will fool even the closest friends into believing that she is still alive and still posting on the site. Readers will find that the content, humour and wit will remain at the same standard, it is suspected that Miss Posa's brain never really did function all that well.Please send all condolences and flowers to kitty_no_1_2000@yahoo.com.au Please standby for further messages.
Regards The management.