As aussie as a .....

Sherilyn's Australian Meat Pies
Favorite pie crust recipe
Puff pastry for topping
3 to 3 1/2 lb Ground beef
2 Onions, minced
Beef broth
Worcestershire Sauce
Freshly ground nutmeg (the secret ingredient)
Salt and pepper
Flour and water, for thickening (an unusually large amount)
Egg wash to glaze.
Created by Sherilyn Sue. Schamber
Everything is done by sight and taste. Make pie dough. Pull just enough
dough off to fill a small tin with excess on the sides for sealing and crimping.
Fork bottom in a few places so the crust doesn't rise and bubble. Spray tin
with nonstick spray. In a large pot, cook meat and onion. Add broth and a
small amount of water to cut the strong taste of broth. Season with nutmeg,
Worcestershire Sauce, salt and pepper. Add flour and water mixture.
Cook and stir until thickened. The sauce should be quite thick. Cool the
filling on top of the stove and then fill the pies. Place a little warm water
around edges of crust; cover with puff pastry; seal and crimp. Makes holes
on top with a fork for steam release. Brush with egg wash.
Bake 350 F until tops are browned. Cool on wire racks.
Serve with plenty of mashed potatoes, green peas, and lots of tomato
sauce (Catsup.)
Meat pies maybe freeze well. Place in freezer bags. Reheat at 350 F until
thoroughly heated. If edges of crust start browning too quickly, cover with
strips of foil.
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