history made... it still feels like a dream.

tonight i had the pleasure of meeting my blogmate Madmathias and Monique of My New Best Friend (who truly if they weren't leaving to live hundreds of thousands of miles away i know for sure they'd be my new best friends)... honestly, and it's not the jaegermeister speaking, there are not enough words to express how great these people are -- but maybe i can conjure up just a few: first, Mad flew to SoCal from Wisconsin today to accompany Moni on her road trip to New England... what kind of guy would do this? a fucking awesome guy!!! second, originally our plans were to meet up on thursday night for cocktails and such, but as time was of the essence for them to pack and prepare for the road trip, Moni agreed to pick up Mad from an already delayed flight coming into the airport in OC and drive straight to LA tonight to meet up with me before they left... what kinda of gal would do this? a fucking awesome gal!!! seriously, i just met these two fine folks tonight for the first time, and i already miss them and am kinda feeling cheated that they're leaving me (*hint hint* that you guys always have a place to crash when you come back to visit, and you'd better come back to SoCal to visit soon)... i am so super jealous of their upcoming road trip, but i expect to see pics of things like the Largest Ball of Twine or Largest Puddle of Mud and such, and maybe they'll grace us with an audioblog or two from the road (i personally would like to hear them singing some show tunes... Button Up Your Overcoat anyone?)
peace in your travels, kids.
(btw, as promised we did an audioblog but for some reason it never showed up (dammit!!!) but i suppose it's just as well since we made asses of ourselves on the audblog, and as you know we have reputations to uphold. har har har)
UPDATED: audioblog comes through in the end -- click here to hear the silliness....
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