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Also known widely as the Fire Bird, the phoenix is a profound symbol of life and rebirth. It has a life cycle of 500 to 600 years and after that amount of time, it sets itself on fire and dies in the flames. Then, after three days, it rises again from the ashes. It is a completely benign creature who lives in dew. It is said that the phoenix has a beautiful melodious song which grows ever more mournful as its life comes to an end. It is also a symbol of the sun and immortality.
What mythical beast best represents you?Take the quiz!
Labels: my little pony, quiz, toys
A formidable creature half lion and half eagle, the griffin is said to be one thousand times stronger than any lion and five thousand times as farsighted as an eagle. Humans find themselves unable to lie while in a Griffin's presence. The griffin is also said to be fierce and untamed. It was a protector against evil and people often wore talismans of a griffin's claw to protect them from demons. Griffins were often used as transport for the gods. They were also reputed to swoop down from the mountains on occasion and pick up goats and small horses and bring them back to their nests for their young.
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Followed by Grahm Chapman, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Carol Cleveland, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin.
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You're Patsy the Loyal, Trusty Servant: you're a very quiet person, uttering only one statement here and there, but it's only because you're too busy thinking of more important things - like what the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow truly is.
Take the Which Monty Python & The Holy Grail character are you? Test @ The Monty Python & The Holy Grail Unofficial Fan Site