And now for something completely different ... the larch ... the larch
Does anyone have some women's clothing that I can wear?

You're a LUMBERJACK! But that ok, this means that
you a versatile and easy going person. You can
truly fit into any social enviroment but are a
nature nut at heart. You not that concerned
about other's opinions, even if they don't like
your new pumps that you bought to go with your
Face it, you're a girly just like your dear ma-ma.
Which Monty Python Character Are You
brought to you by Quizilla
Also ...

You are the Dead Parrot Sketch. Very funny, a bit
dark and definitely a classic.
Which Monty Python's Flying Circus Sketch are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
These are both amazingly accurate.
BTW, my favorite cast memeber is JOHN CLEESE !!!
See, I told you!!!
My #1 result for the selector, Which Monty Python Cast Member Are You?, is John Cleese

You're a LUMBERJACK! But that ok, this means that
you a versatile and easy going person. You can
truly fit into any social enviroment but are a
nature nut at heart. You not that concerned
about other's opinions, even if they don't like
your new pumps that you bought to go with your
Face it, you're a girly just like your dear ma-ma.
Which Monty Python Character Are You
brought to you by Quizilla
Also ...

You are the Dead Parrot Sketch. Very funny, a bit
dark and definitely a classic.
Which Monty Python's Flying Circus Sketch are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
These are both amazingly accurate.
BTW, my favorite cast memeber is JOHN CLEESE !!!
See, I told you!!!
Followed by Grahm Chapman, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Carol Cleveland, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin.
Ok, one more, but this is it.
You're Patsy the Loyal, Trusty Servant: you're a very quiet person, uttering only one statement here and there, but it's only because you're too busy thinking of more important things - like what the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow truly is.
Take the Which Monty Python & The Holy Grail character are you? Test @ The Monty Python & The Holy Grail Unofficial Fan Site
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