1. How many bedrooms does it have?Just 1, rent is insanely high here, there's no way we can afford a bigger one, especially since I still don't have an employment authorization (the process is SLOW).
2. Do you get cable TV, if you do, do you get any premium channels?Nah.
3. Is Sandra still able to volunteer at the cat shelter?Yes! We're even closer to the shelter now, I can go there by bike.
4. Can you have pets?Can and do! I brought home a 1.5 years old little cat from the shelter. He's still quite shy, but getting better each day. His name is Turkey. When he's bad, we put him on drugs (catnip) and call him "Stanley Wood". That probably doesn't make any sense to you, but it sure does to us.

5. Does the apartment complex have a pool?Nah. But we have orange and lemon and avocado trees. We could swim in juice and guacamole.
6. Do you have high speed internet access?As long as I'm not allowed to work, we're going to watch our money and keep the old computer and the old internet access.
7. Are you still going to buy a new computer?See #6.
8. Are you still in Orange County?Hell yeah! We're in Santa Ana, OC.
9. Do you have enough furniture?Yes. We could bring the furniture from Jonnie's old room and the kitchen was already furnished and we bought a few things... it's all good in the hood now.
10. Will you be posting pictures of your new apartment?I'm not sure, probably not.
11. What is the surrounding area like?Hispanic. We have a ton of mexican food places and mexican supermarkets and well, mexicans. The only halfway affordable places are in hispanic neighborhoods.
12. Have you found any new favorite places to eat?Not yet, but that's our plan for the weekend. I bet one of the mexican chicken grills will definitely make it to our favorites list.
13. Did the people who lived there before you leave anything?A small ladder.
14. Can you write a haiku about your new apartment?No. I bet Jonnie can, I'll ask him to.
15. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?Last night: Jonnie, the night before it was me. The right side of the bed is slightly cooler because it's right under the fan, so the one who's sweating more gets to lay there. (we do have AC too, but still)
16. Do you have a television in your bedroom?Yes!
17. What's it like to have a kitchen all of your own?It's almost better than Christmas in June in February.