Unemployment. Here I come...again.
All those cool photos I showed of merch, well I won't be getting a discount as of June 1.
We've decided to close the store rather than be bossed around by a fascist pseudo socially conscious restaurateur with illusions of grandeur. Stupid businessman posing as a human rights social activist.
Market being what it is we can't move to our own location. The board won't allow it. So what is a nonprofit human rights org retail outlet to do??...CLOSE.
Had a feeling it was coming, but who likes to look for a job. I mean, seriously. Well I have a new skill set, so that's cool.
I'm totally marketable. Who wants me??? ;)
I think I'll apply for the main branch of the DC library. Looks like they need a seasoned LA. Wonder if I have the magic touch with my mouse finger....

Consider that an update and a lame blog post. Sorry.
P.S. On a more fun note: I saw the most amount of white folk dreads and tie die tonight on the way to work. Apparently the Grateful Dead are in town. Fun stuff.