RW...BS - A Real Olla Podrida
While browsing through a selection of library reference tools yesterday, I found's "word of the day" email list, which I joined for the novelty value.
Today I received my first word-of-the-day, which is:
olla podrida \ol-uh-puh-DREE-duh; oy-uh-\, noun;
plural olla podridas /-DREE-duhz/ or ollas podridas:
1. A stew of highly seasoned meat and vegetables.
2. A mixture; a hodgepodge.
This complex, Byzantine, at times long-winded work, which spent more than 60 weeks on Spain's best sellers list, throws together mystery, romance, and crime into one big mix like an olla podrida.
-- Lawrence Olszewski, review of The Shadow of the Wind, by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Library Journal, February 1, 2004

I propose that all RW...BS blog members subscribe to's Word-of-the-Day email list and whenever they are posting something, try to include the word of the day in some capacity.
I think that might make us seem clever.
Today I received my first word-of-the-day, which is:
olla podrida \ol-uh-puh-DREE-duh; oy-uh-\, noun;
plural olla podridas /-DREE-duhz/ or ollas podridas:
1. A stew of highly seasoned meat and vegetables.
2. A mixture; a hodgepodge.
This complex, Byzantine, at times long-winded work, which spent more than 60 weeks on Spain's best sellers list, throws together mystery, romance, and crime into one big mix like an olla podrida.
-- Lawrence Olszewski, review of The Shadow of the Wind, by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Library Journal, February 1, 2004

I propose that all RW...BS blog members subscribe to's Word-of-the-Day email list and whenever they are posting something, try to include the word of the day in some capacity.
I think that might make us seem clever.
Labels: dictionary, olla podrida
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