The Real World ... Blogger Style: <strike> 10 </strike> 8 Things About Boz's T-Shirt Exchange Package from Jonnie

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

10 8 Things About Boz's T-Shirt Exchange Package from Jonnie

1. Since the T-Shirt cost less than the agreed upon $5 amount, a supplemental gift was added.

2. The supplemental gift was purchased at a 50% off sale from a local adult establishment and cost $1.50, bringing the total gift value almost exactly to the agreed upon $5 value.

3. Boz's gift t-shirt was purchased on a "3 for $10" rack. The other two shirts we bought were a badass black Santa Ana t-shirt for Jonnie and a lovely black Los Angeles t-shirt for Sandra to wear to Kwando class.

4. Boz's gift package is nearly bursting, not with flavor, but with supplemental materials collected in the community of Santa Ana.

5. Among the supplemental materials is a copy of a free Mexican newspaper called "The Voz", which is pronounced "The Boz" by Mexicans.

6. "Boz" in Spanish is "Voz".

7. "Thyme" in Spanish is "Tomillo".

8. Oh crap, I have to go to work.

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