Presidential Gift Exchange
My package from Jonnie & Boz's First Annual Presidents Day Gift Exchange has arrived and I can't believe Boz packed all this stuff into one envelope:

First Annual Presidential Gift Exchange loot.
I can now tell you that future RLB DVD reviews will cover Hot Rod Girl, T-Bird Gang, Circus of Fear, and Carnival of Souls.
Probably the most practical item was a selection of four "Religious Pens" from a company called "The Genesis Collection". While the pens' artwork depicts gay scenes of blond angel babies and footwear, their saving grace is the inclusion of a long lanyard at the top; so you can wear the pen around your neck, hang it on a peg in the outhouse, or hang yourself with it.

Religious Pen with lanyard identified.
The four pens come in two varieties, with one set of each style.
The first style is a "Jesus Loves Me" theme which depicts the gay blond angel with moons and stars even though it is daylight since clouds are also visible in the sky scene that makes up the background.
The second style is a "Walk With Jesus" theme which depicts various footprints from bare feet as well as sandles and sneakers in various colors on a sort of purple/fade-to-blue/fade-back-to-purple background.
Also included in the package was a sticker from 0nnyx Tat00z and a magnet from a dentist who goes by the name "Daniel the Filipino".
And, while my keychain used to consist of a simple ring and bottle opener, it now boats a genuine leather Deen Arbor Chevrolet Cadillac of E. Twas panel -

Finally, I'm proud to not be left out of the rock and roll boxers club as Boz has sent me a handsome pair of The Who underwear -

Who are You
Who Who Who Who
The ass says Tommy - 1969 - my actual birth year (and I'm sure Boz knew that when he purchased them). It also depicts Pete Townsend playing guitar while leaping up into the air in the fetal position -

Tommy, can you hear me?
So not only are these Who shorts, they are special commemorative Tommy - 1969 shorts and they ROCK. I want to play pinball in them.
Thank you Boz! I had no idea the Presidential Gift Exchange would be so lavish!
I thought it was just a reason to send Easter stuff sooner!
Who's in on the upcoming May Day gift exchange?
If you want to participate, speak up in the comments.

I can now tell you that future RLB DVD reviews will cover Hot Rod Girl, T-Bird Gang, Circus of Fear, and Carnival of Souls.
Probably the most practical item was a selection of four "Religious Pens" from a company called "The Genesis Collection". While the pens' artwork depicts gay scenes of blond angel babies and footwear, their saving grace is the inclusion of a long lanyard at the top; so you can wear the pen around your neck, hang it on a peg in the outhouse, or hang yourself with it.

The four pens come in two varieties, with one set of each style.
The first style is a "Jesus Loves Me" theme which depicts the gay blond angel with moons and stars even though it is daylight since clouds are also visible in the sky scene that makes up the background.
The second style is a "Walk With Jesus" theme which depicts various footprints from bare feet as well as sandles and sneakers in various colors on a sort of purple/fade-to-blue/fade-back-to-purple background.
Also included in the package was a sticker from 0nnyx Tat00z and a magnet from a dentist who goes by the name "Daniel the Filipino".
And, while my keychain used to consist of a simple ring and bottle opener, it now boats a genuine leather Deen Arbor Chevrolet Cadillac of E. Twas panel -

Finally, I'm proud to not be left out of the rock and roll boxers club as Boz has sent me a handsome pair of The Who underwear -

Who Who Who Who
The ass says Tommy - 1969 - my actual birth year (and I'm sure Boz knew that when he purchased them). It also depicts Pete Townsend playing guitar while leaping up into the air in the fetal position -

So not only are these Who shorts, they are special commemorative Tommy - 1969 shorts and they ROCK. I want to play pinball in them.
Thank you Boz! I had no idea the Presidential Gift Exchange would be so lavish!
I thought it was just a reason to send Easter stuff sooner!
Who's in on the upcoming May Day gift exchange?
If you want to participate, speak up in the comments.
Labels: gifts, keychain, lanyard, mail, President's Day, The Who, underwear
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