The Real World ... Blogger Style: <FONT COLOR="blue"><FONT SIZE="+1">I Spy With My Little Eye....</FONT></FONT>

Thursday, March 25, 2004

I Spy With My Little Eye....

BLOGMATES GRAB YOUR DIGITAL CAMERAS because we've got a new weekly RWBS challenge!!

(Note: you can use either a digital camera, your webcam, your mobile phone camera, or you can scan in a pic taken in 35mm film)

The game will be played like I Spy -- every Friday a hint/topic to photograph will be revealed, and each blogmate will be required to post a photo in response on the following Monday (giving us the weekend to complete the task), and the result of which will be a photo essay of our collective efforts.

The 'assignments' will be broad enough in nature to accommodate all types of digital cameras (i.e., you can take the pics inside/outside with a digital camera or camera phone, or you can take the pics at home with your webcam). [For example, one hint/topic could be to take pics of something of a specific color like RED -- you could take and post a picture of red flowers, a pic of you in your favorite red shirt, a pic of someone with red hair, or even a pic of red lipstick stains on a napkin.]

The topics will be randomly chosen (and by 'random' I mean that each week a new letter of the name of our blog will be used to create a topic), and the first assignment will be posted this Friday.