The Real World ... Blogger Style: JONNIE

Friday, June 30, 2006


Jonnie was born and raised in a small town in Indiana. He was a pretty normal kid growing up if you forget about his fascination with pee, shaving cream, and vienna sausages. He went to the University of Indiana, and I guess he graduated. Then wanderlust set in. He's lived all over the place, including the wilds of Alaska, the wilds of Las Vegas, the wilds of Los Angeles, and he currently resides in the wilds of Orange County. Some of the many jobs he has held include working with handicapped kids, day laborer, and a short stint in internet porn as a web designer and part time fluffer. Jonnie recently finished work on his Masters Degree and is currently looking for work as an archivist, or whatever it is you call those guys that work with archives.

Jonnie met Sandra on the internet about two and a half years ago, and despite the concern of friends, Sandra flew over from Germany for a visit that lasted most of the summer of 2004, which led to their engagement of 2005, and soon to be wedded bliss of 2006.

Jonnie likes the Ramones, the 99 Cent Store, Del Taco, Soul Train, the Pirate Salute, and Cincinnati Steamers.

Jonnie is the HASSELHOFF of the blog world.