Hey Jonnie, Does This Scare The Shit Outta Ya???

This clown (really) was on a kids TV show that was locally produced out of the then-independent (now a FOX affiliate) TV station WFFT. The show was called "Happy's Place" and they used to have a live audience, in the early 80s of all things.
This guy was a joker.
I wanted to go on the show just to mess with the dickhead.
This same station also had a Friday night horror movie show called "Nightmare Theater" with a host dressed up like the Reaper dude and they called him "The Shroud." (Pronounced "shrewd" because we're backwards here in Injunana.)
So if you remember a dumb bass-ackwards TV show you used to want to send to the bottom of Lake Whatever with a bomb in the transmitter built by Black Monday, then let the world know for no reason other than to haunt Jonnie's past. And for a giggle or 2...
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