The Real World ... Blogger Style: Avengers #8

Friday, January 05, 2007

Avengers #8

I'd like to start this year off with a congratulatory post to Brother Todd who is now only 19 issues away from having the entire first series of Marvel Comics' Avengers (1963-1996).

Rather than just acquiring and storing the comics, he is also reading the original copies themselves; which I think is great. They are probably a lot more enjoyable than reading reprints because the original ads and Bullpen Bulletins are all intact.

Here he is pictured with his recently acquired copy of Avengers #8, the first appearance of Kang the Conquorer -

Jonnie's Brother Todd and Avengers #8.

Congratulations Todd!
May 2007 see your acquisition of the missing 19 issues!

Make mine Marvel!!

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