The Real World ... Blogger Style: The archived comments are up, the archived comments are up, the archived comments are up

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The archived comments are up, the archived comments are up, the archived comments are up

Finally, the old comments are up.
However, the number of comments made on the older posts will still show as zero, but the comments will still be there.

Or as haloscan states it in there FAQ:
The comment count loader only retrieves the comment link counts for the last 200 comments (800 comments for premium members). Anything past that mark may show an inaccurate comment count in the link but you can still click the comment link to view all comments posted.

That's just the way it is.
But ...
The archived comments are up, the archived comments are up, the archived comments are up.

And of course there will be no comments for the first day because I didn't install haloscan till the second day, or maybe late on the first day.