The Real World ... Blogger Style: XIJIF ... The Names Have Been Drawn

Saturday, January 22, 2005

XIJIF ... The Names Have Been Drawn

Since I am house bound by the blizzard I went ahead and drew the names for the gift exchange. There are eleven of us taking part. I wish Mad was around, cause I'd like him to be involved to, but I guess it isn't to be.

Anyway, do you think we should make who got who public, or should we keep it a surprise like last time? I think either way would be cool, so I'll leave it up to you.

I'll work on the guidelines and try to post them tomorrow night, or monday, but probably not monday because I go to the hospital for my last shot on monday, and last time I was pretty loopy for the rest of the day, so it could be monday, but probably not, or tuesday, yeah, tuesday by the latest.

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