The Real World ... Blogger Style: Tooth is stronger than friction

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Tooth is stronger than friction

Dvl and I have known each other for about two years and sometimes it seems we live in parallel universes. There are so many similarities between us that it has to be more than mere coincidence.
Here is the latest, and maybe the spookiest example of all.
This is a pic of Dvl's daughter, The Little, tumbling off the living room couch.
This is a pic of one of my living room chairs.
It is the exact same slipcover.
Not only that, we both have two slipcovers.
Not only that, we both have two different colors of the same design.
Not only that, we both have the same two different colors.
And I haven't even mentioned the similarities in our rugs.
Once again, if you do a spell check of dvl it comes out as devil, I don't think that is a coincidence either.