The Real World ... Blogger Style: Pagans have feelings too

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Pagans have feelings too

Here is one of the responses that AmyJo received when she listed her APARTMENT on Craig's List.

"This place sounds great. I am a potographer who
works as a tech writer to pay the bills. I am older
(61) but still quite young. I am pretty much straight
in my sexual preferences, which is to say that I am
very fond of the vagina experience, but I usually
prefer the company of men for almost everything else.
I hope that didn't sound too crude!"

AmyJo also received this reply to this listing about trying to find her cat a good home.

"I just wanted to let you know that you stupid comment
about pagan
rituals is rude, offensive, and incorrect. Satinists
are the ones who
sacrifice. Pagans will never do a sacrafice because of
the 3 fold rule, what
you do comes back times 3. Please don't post this kind
of comment again
as I was highly offended as I am sure many others were
too. Believe it
or not pagans have feelings too."