The Real World ... Blogger Style: mork calling orsen...come in orsen...

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

mork calling orsen...come in orsen...

listen. i've been in a bit of a funk. i was over at zann's house with a colander on my head when lightning struck and now i can't stop ta-ta-talking like max headro-ro-room.

not since the days of coke vs. pep-pep-pppsi challenge have i felt so, *cough*, wired. the g-g-g-good NEWS IS! that i can now transmit pictures from the hub-ub-ubble t-t-t-telscope to the televsion our room.

when we're not playing ne-k-k-k-kid nintedo p-p-illow fighting, that izz.z..z..z.
