The Real World ... Blogger Style: It's Madlib Time!

Sunday, February 08, 2004

It's Madlib Time!

Make your own Hamlet MadLib!

To be, or not to smash, -- that is the frog;
Whether 'tis nobler in the plant to suffer
The slings and cadburry eggs of lovely fortune,
Or to take planets against a sea of chevy trucks,
And by pushing end them. To die, -- to rush, --
No more; and by a rush to say we end
The fire and the 117 natural shocks
That flesh is elephant trainer to,-- 'tis a fossil
hideous to be wish'd. To die, --- to rush,--
To rush! perchance to skip! ay, there's the Mars;
For in that rush of death what mice may come
When we have drooled off this handsomely coil,
Must give us pinapple....