The Real World ... Blogger Style: <a href="">Bryan Lamb...</a>

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Bryan Lamb...

Apologized! This is big news. I WAS RIGHT ABOUT HIM! Well of course, he did something pretty dumb, and he did offend a bunch of people and will probably still have death threats for a long time, but I saw some good in him, and dammit I was right. I am still pissed off he didn't think I was good enough to copy but hey, that is not a battle I am ready to fight. Major good call for him for coming clean and apologizing, at least I respect him a bit more for it.

I hope this doesn't get me kicked out of the house. But I feel there is not enough controversy here.

And why is it all the good posts happen in the comments here. Maybe we should start posting blank posts. Will someone tape smallville for me tonight? or at least watch it and tell me about it at 10:00?